In recognition of the existential threat posed by asteroids and other near-Earth objects (NEOs), the United States of America shall dedicate 3% of its annual defense budget to a comprehensive asteroid defense program. Section 1. Purpose and Scope: The asteroid defense program shall focus on identifying, tracking, and mitigating threats posed by asteroids and other near-Earth objects. This program shall include research and development, deployment of detection systems, international collaboration, and the development of mitigation technologies. Section 2. Budget Allocation: A minimum of 3% of the annual defense budget shall be allocated to the asteroid defense program. These funds shall be used exclusively for the purposes outlined in Section 1. Section 3. Oversight and Reporting: The program shall be managed by a designated agency within the Department of Defense, in collaboration with NASA and other relevant agencies. An annual report detailing expenditures, progress, and future plans shall be submitted to Congress and made publicly available. Section 4. Adjustments: In the event of extraordinary circumstances, such as significant advances in asteroid defense technology or an urgent need for additional funding, Congress may adjust the allocation through a two-thirds vote. Section 5. Implementation: This amendment shall take effect in the fiscal year following its ratification.
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