No Confidence in Congress A Constitutional Amendment

No Confidence in Congress A Constitutional Amendment

Expanded Proposed Amendment: Section 1. The people of the United States shall have the power to express a vote of no confidence in the Congress of the United States through a national referendum. Section 2. A vote of no confidence may be triggered under the following conditions: Petition Threshold: A national petition signed by at least 10% of registered voters across a minimum of two-thirds of the states shall be submitted to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to initiate a referendum. The petition must include verifiable signatures, meeting state-level validation standards. Legislative Oversight: The FEC shall certify the validity of the petition within 60 days of submission. Election Timing: If certified, the national referendum shall be scheduled no later than 120 days after certification, to coincide with the nearest state or federal election date, unless it falls within 6 months of a presidential election. Section 3. The referendum ballot shall pose the question: "Do you have confidence in the current Congress of the United States to effectively govern and represent the people?" A simple majority (50% + 1 of all votes cast) shall determine the outcome. Section 4. Upon a vote of no confidence, the following actions shall occur: Resignation: All sitting members of both the House of Representatives and the Senate shall immediately vacate their positions within 30 days of certification of the referendum results. Special Elections: Special elections for all vacated seats shall be conducted within 90 days, in accordance with state and federal election laws. During this period, interim members may be appointed by state governors for Senate seats only, ensuring continuity in urgent legislative functions. Election Transparency: Special elections must adhere to campaign finance transparency rules, ensuring equal opportunities for candidates to participate. Section 5. This amendment does not preclude regular elections or other forms of accountability, such as impeachment or recall mechanisms, and shall be subject to judicial review to ensure compliance with constitutional protections. Section 6. Congress shall have the power to enact laws necessary to carry out the provisions of this amendment, provided such laws do not infringe on the rights of the people to initiate and conduct a vote of no confidence.


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