Judge Thomas E. Brennan's Original Rules

Judge Thomas E. Brennan's Original Rules

CONVENTION USA Our purpose is to conduct a national convention on the Internet as near as possible in the manner contemplated by Article V of the United States Constitution. Members of the corporation are known as Delegates. Any registered voter in one of the United States of America may become a Delegate from his or her State upon registration and taking the oath of office. A Delegate may resign at any time. A Delegate may be removed only for egregious misconduct found by a two thirds majority of the entire convention. Registration shall require the following information: Name, Address, telephone number, email address, gender, county of voter registration, date of birth, and a password, which shall consist of between 8 and 50 numbers and/or letters. An optional personal statement may be included with registration. CONVENTION USA will be called to order upon the registration of one or more Delegates from thirty-four States. There shall be no limit on the number of Delegates from any State. Every Delegate shall have the privilege of participation in the work of the convention, as defined by these rules. The delegates of each State shall be organized as a State caucus. The first delegate in a State shall be the chairman of the State caucus, and shall serve at the pleasure of the caucus. Until the convention is called to order, Delegates will serve as a Committee of Organization. The Committee of Organization will elect a Temporary Chairman of the convention and such other temporary Officers as they deem necessary to effect the organization of the convention. Upon being called to order by the Temporary Chairman, the convention will adopt rules for its governance and operation, and will elect the following officers: A CHAIRMAN, who shall preside over the work of the convention and who shall serve at the pleasure of the States. A CHAIRMAN PRO TEM, who shall preside in the absence of the chairman. A SECRETARY, who shall maintain records of the work of the convention. A TREASURER, who shall take possession of the funds of the convention, pay its expenses, and maintain accurate financial records for the convention. A PARLIAMENTARIAN, who shall advise the CHAIRMAN respecting procedural matters. The following COMMITTEES will be appointed by the CHAIRMAN: INTERNET COMMITTEE which shall be responsible for the reliable functioning of the convention’s website. STYLE AND DRAFTING which shall be responsible to review all proposed amendments to the Constitution and cast them in appropriate constitutional language. ORGANIZATION which shall be responsible for reviewing the convention procedures, maintaining and publishing the rules of the convention and making recommendations for amendments to the rules when advisable. All business of the convention, except the adoption of proposed amendments to the Constitution of the United States, shall be determined by a majority of the States, and a majority of the Delegates voting on the question. No proposal for the amendment of the Constitution of the United States shall be approved by the convention unless the same shall have received: The affirmative votes of three fourths of the States, The affirmative votes of a majority of the registered Delegates, Delegates are expected to conduct themselves with dignity, and show respectful consideration of fellow delegates. Ad hominum arguments and offensive personal references are discouraged.


I do like his view of the roles of the people I keep thinking of as facilitators, us. " INTERNET COMMITTEE which shall be responsible for the reliable functioning of the convention’s website." STYLE AND DRAFTING is also a very reasonable idea. A Delegate may be removed only for egregious misconduct found by a two thirds majority of the entire convention. How many votes wins?

The structure is similar to a county and state political party. It is familiar and accessible. I would delete the gender identity aspect of the delegate identification, and move to gender neutral titles, such as "Chair" rather than "Chairman". This area needs clarification: " No proposal for the amendment of the Constitution of the United States shall be approved by the convention unless the same shall have received: The affirmative votes of three fourths of the States" Is it And or Or?

While there is a lot of thought put in to these rules, I personally don't feel like these rules fit this platform. I do like his view of the roles of the people I keep thinking of as facilitators, us. "INTERNET COMMITTEE which shall be responsible for the reliable functioning of the convention’s website." STYLE AND DRAFTING is also a very reasonable idea." Also this will not be a "corporation", Citizens Foundation is an NGO in Iceland that is providing a platform for the US citizens to use.

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