Office Hoteling

Office Hoteling

What problem does it solve? If the possibility exists for telecommuting then hoteling has to be an integral part of it. It optimizes space, reduces overhead cost, and does a lot to assuage selfishness at the workplace. It will also allow employees to interact and collaborate with others on various tasks and activities. What is your solution and who does it apply to? Implement a system where employees who are not required to be at the office on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis to reserve a cubicle if and when they need to come to the office. This is applicable to all employees who work mostly outside of their offices. This can be further extended to all employees if a well- structured telecommuting system is implemented. While office hoteling might not be a putative idea considering that there are various offices that deal with confidential information, creating a work area or office that utilizes all available desks can result in significant cost savings for the state. What is the anticipated impact? The State will save money that can be used to support other initiatives or programs.


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