Innovation ENJINE Challenge

Innovation ENJINE Challenge

**STAGE ONE WINNERS HAVE BEEN ANNOUNCED - STAGE TWO SUBMISSIONS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED** The winning ideas of Stage One have been announced - to view them and to learn more about participating in Stage Two, visit:


Assess mileage reimbursement vs. State cars

Fast Track Purchasing

Cash Bonus Incentive to Decline Health Insurance

Communicating with Senior Citizens and Disabled Individuals

motor vehicle

Staging school buses at satellite state offices

Avoid redundancies

Unifying State Websites by Utilizing WordPress

Continuing Education (CE) Audit Unit

The State Budget should be for 5 to 10 years-not just yearly

LSW's as Clinical Consultants

More mobile applications for external access

Retro Overtime Payback Option

NJ Prepaid College Plan (NJPCP)

Allow every south facing roof to be generator of energy

Supervisor (Inspector 1) Codes and Standards, BHI

Listing of occupational licenses & renewal fees.

Create database of developed applications to share

Chat with Us


Biometric Hand Scanner

Legalize marijuana for recreational use

Clean Power Initiative

Landfill Solar Authority

Implement Promotion Timelines for Unclassified Employees



Improving our community

Enforcement of Handheld Cell Phone Use While Driving Law

Office Hoteling


Free Business Counseling

Guest Speaker Program

Better Project Management for State Projects

Strengthen Compliance and Enforcement within DEP

Require individuals to sign a "Life Certificate" every year

Hire full-time driver/aids for each visually impaired staff

Enforce The Stay To The Right Except To Pass Law

State-Wide Neighborhood Revitalization

Alternative Program instead of Jail for non-violent offences

Helping clients help themselves!

Professionals "Birthday License Renewal"

Yearly Tax deduction for govt. employees with student loans

Development of Medication Management / Physician Order Entry

Uniform New Jersey ID Card

Principal Audit Clerk

Bring Information technology to current Industry standards,

Pay-by-Plate account Option and create a mobile App

Peer to Peer Trainings in Local Offices

Eliminate many of the Toll Free numbers to State Offices

Voice Controlled Command Functions

If PERS is fixable, do a pension tier buy-in/other reforms

Master Database for all Agencies

NJ Kiosk Express

Community-based competency restoration treatment services

Changing the payment to foster care parents

App - Taxation Conference & Appeals

Uprade computer monitors

Financial Institution Data Match

Follow IRS rules - M&E Deduction for pass-through entities.

Principal Audit Clerk

Eliminate Brdige and Highway Tolls

Ease inflated spending

Employment & Training services for Rehabs & Halfway houses

What's your name?

EXAMPLE: Create a comprehensive State employee email list

A Workplace Meditation/Mindfulness Room

Spanish training for English Speaking Staff

Family Service Specialist II

Cross-referencing Tax Databases To Detect Non/Under-Payment

Lease state Vehicles

Business Process Improvement for State Agencies

Live Chat Support!

Surplus budget tax refund

Shift Schedule

Reducing health care disparities for Deaf residents of NJ

RPA - Robotics Process Automation

Explore and harness empowering capabilities of MS SharePoint

WSY Consortium- "We See You Consortium"

Reduce Risk & Become More Aware

Auditor 1

Establishing a Code of Ethics

Save costs by NOT repaving the shoulders unless required

Mindfulness with the Resources


Combining office space

Implement an investigation for Fed Loan Forgiveness Program

Connect disenfranchised to much needed public health care

Communication, Cooperation and Coordination

Programmed PDF Forms to Redesign & Digitize State Operations

Application of IoT and AI for road salting optimization

Contest for a State MASCOT

Bus. Formation, Reg. & access to Premier Business Services


FARR : Fully Automated Requisitioning & Reporting

State of NJ Brand Ambassador

Internet Tech. - too many employees- need to reduce

Centralized State Of New Jersey Mobile Application

Electric Vehicle program for the state of NJ

Department Google Search Engine

DVRS Training Academy

Mandatory Issuance of Tax Refund via Direct Deposit

Substance Abuse Disorder (SUD)/ Opioid Joint Task Force

Bring Back State Office Recycling Program

Agency Town Hall Meetings with Members of the Public

Migrate from PMIS to Cloud-Based Human Resource Mgmt System

Don't Hang Up!

Elective Overtime

Compensatory time off bank

Consolidating state phone lines

Educational mentoring program for NJ foster children

No More Contracting With Reputed Systemic Child Abusers

Monitor Quality Healthcare in DOC

Eliminate "Brain Drain" with "Skill Fill"

New Jersey Repurposing Task Force (NJRTF)

Stop Employment Training of People on H-1B / L-1 Work Visas

Restructure the Conference & Appeals Branch into 3 regions.

Incorrect Commercial Vehicle Registration

Defraying Costs of Hospitalization

Step away from the paper world and into the digital world.

Provide remote meeting technology for every State agency

Teracyle free recycle programs to fund schools or charities.

Utilize NJ Licensed Teachers who work in other State jobs

Improve Health/Dental Benefits Enrollment by Direct Entry

Child Support and the Suspending of License because of

Offer a 401k plan instead of a pension to new employees

School bus mini van and limo CDL test

Sick time buy back

Relieve Income Tax on POC of Slave Ancestry - For Life

Stop "Corporate Welfare" of State UI / Retraining Benefits

Department of Health Electronic Facilities Licensing

Phase Out Desk Phones

Test Mode for NJ Spirit in Local Office w/User Guide

State Talent Bank

Create Computer Macro Writing Service in OIT

Online state wide firearms licensing and registration.

Assistant Social Work Supervisor


Electric/Hybrid Fleets, Transportation, & LED Office Bulbs


To prevent smoking in homes that share walls i.e. townhomes

Allow emotional support animals

Electonic Employee Benefit Pre-payments

Daily online fishing license sales

Reduce printing costs by using personal identification

Statewide Procurement Opportunity List

Replaces Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples' Day

Commercial license check list

Exercise Breaks Through Wellness Program


Centralization of Pictures for State Employee ID Cards

STAGE 3: Form Implementation Team in Office of Innovation

Teach COBOL so we can maintain/service our mainframes

Upgrade Computer Hard Disk Drives to SSD's

Use water efficient plumbing fixtures in all state buildings

Procurement - allow to procure from Amazon or Walmart

Micro-Purchase Platform

Generate Funding: Workplace Wellness Gym - Cost Savings

Multi-Year Registration, E-notification & Auto-Renew Option

Webinar on the Business Action Center for NJ students


22nd Century State Goverment = Strategic Immersion

Lower Property Taxes By Centralizing School Tax Collection

Save the Pension

Long-Term: Contingency Plan for New Ideas

Streamline the Hiring and Promotional Processes

Model Government Office Unit-+ Education

Public List of Social Media

Smart Shopper

Permit and License Electronic Tracking

Interstates Training

Multi-agency Cloud procurement

New Information Technology initiatives

Using Techology to Host or Attend Off-Site Meetings

Reinstate Alternate Workweek Program (AWP) for NJDOE

IT Consultants

Principal Audit Clerk

Work Smarter and Help NJ Budget for More Days Off

Make the "NJ Inheritance Tax of 1892" Fairer

Reducing Traffic Through Better Planning Models

Sponsor A Hackathon or NJ Day of Code

Let's Make NJ Roadsides Clean and Clear

Alternative Mondays extending the weekend

Contest for N.J. students to develop State government app

Promote Procurement/Travel Card Use over Paper Processing

Claw-Back of EDA Funds Given to Non-compliant Corporations

Free or Affordable Child Care

Save electricity costs for State Offices

Healthy Eating

Web Portal to submit sales tax refund claims to Taxation

Stop chasing retirees out of the state

State Children Theatre Program and Production

Clean Air Using Indoor Plants

PFRS Member to Retire at 20 years without age restriction

On-Going De-escalation and Culture Sensitivity Training

Texting While Driving

Ample Handicap Parking

Standard Operating Procedures

End Motor Vehicle Inspections

Revise Travel Policies and Procedures

Respond to the Climate Crisis via Carbon Fee and Dividends

Charge Inmates

Integrate the annual report and business tax return systems.


EDA-Bid out for an Indoor Waterpark Hotel Complex in Trenton

Dare to Care!

Telecommuting-see "Who Needs a Desk?"

Helping the State and New Jersey Families

End Vehicle-Emissions Testing Requirements

Taking MVC Road Tests a step into the future


Specialized Training for Supervisory Positions

Knowledge Management and Cross Training (KM&CT) Platform

Licensure for Naturopathic Physicians- Improve Primary Care

Interactive Public Speaking or Train-the-Trainer Workshop

Big Picture Government

Get input from people who have to work with a made change.

Alternative Energy/water source

ways to make more money for the state at the dmv

NJ Resident 360 ..Achieving A single view of NJ resident

Shared a Variety of Inter-Department/Agency Online Training

State Use Industries Program (Deptcor) and Agri-Industries

Centralize office supplies to a Division and/or Commission

Mentorship and Coaching Program

Local Government Ethics Office of the Auditor

Rotating Job Position

Opening Coffee Shops in Municipal Libraries

Financial Incentives for Obtaining Professional Licenses

Fairness in the Public Workplace and Service Provision

Translation Headphones

Visitation Center for Children in Foster Care

Equal Enforcement of Work Rules

Bypass "approved vendor" lists for sole source procurement

Flexible Work Week

Aiding Salem County residents obtain needed training

A Pathway to a Hyperconnected Government

Mandatory Supervisory Training

Workflow Management System

State Messenger Platform

Safe and Healthy Workplaces (addressing workplace bullying)


Transportation route options

Email - Let's use it to save money, time and trees

Job Postings

NJ Residents with Out of State Tags and Insurance

Use Grants to Help College Graduates Find Jobs in NJ

Free conference call service (

Time Clock and Scheduling Software

One-Stop Accounts

Employee Wellness & Fitness Program for all Departments

Postpone the Voting Deadline for this Competition!

Ditch the state provided cell phones

Dissolve EO225 (Network Infrastructure Consolidation by OIT)

Consolidate similar services offered by different Programs

Please think about letting State workers live outside Jersey

Trauma focused education and support for resource parents

Web based social services application for the Public

Encouraging Coding for State Workers

App-Based Employee Management System

Engaging fathers

Name Tags

From SOS-GIS Mapping of Cultural, Historic & Art Resources


NJ Uber - State Owned Smart logistics Transporation System

SOS!! Share our Stories (and maybe we can Save our Ship)

Student Drive Car Magnets

Parking Allowance

PreRentry Institutes Strategies Of New Success P.R.I.S.O.N.S

Empowerment in Education - Statewide Free Tutoring Program

Refresh the Intergovernmental Transfer Program (ITP

Quality over Quanity

Alternative Pension Loan Repayment

New Jersey people helping each other save money

Motor Vehicle Commission Smart Phone App.

Increase State Park System Profitability


Job Titles

Transportation reimbursement vs. shuttle services

Utilizing airline rewards and miles for out of state travel

State Agency Contacts - Pensions and Benefits


Atlantic City E-Sports Arena (EJersey)

Four Gets You More

Hire Replacement Employee to Overlap with Retiring Employee

Supporting the Next Generation of Government Leaders

NJ State Inventor's Lab

Reduce hotline wait time for callers with callback option

Stop Socioeconimic Classism -Discrimination against the poor

Management Challenge_ Training & Development Leadership

Paperless State Government

Chat Bots

smart phone app for local resources

Free Education Library for NJ Businesses and Employees

Feature NJ Exporters on NJ Business Portal

Support services inventory

Chat boting for onboarding

Promoting motorcycles as an alternative mean of transport.

Creation and enforcement of technology standards

AFSW to FSST Pathway Program

Alternate Work Program & Remote Location Work

Free Public Transportation for State employees

Streamline Hiring Process

The Green Collar Worker - Working From Home

The Four-Day Workweek

Telecommuting/ Work from home

Work From Home

GYM / Fitness center

Work from Home on



Providing Day Care

Basic office amenities such as coffee or dish liquid

Blockchain and Smart Contract Technology

Flexible Work Hours

Four Day Work Week for Non-Essential Employees


Flex Week

Yearly Raises Based on Inflation

Submit documents digitally, not paper

Residency for State Employees

Accumulated Overtime Program

Opportunity for some jobs to telecommute 50-95% of time

Change MVC hours to better suit customers and employees

Lower Property Tax Rates

Direct Deposit for Supplemental Paychecks

State exempt metered parking for on the job state workers

Higher Pay Grade for Master and/or CPA employees

Casual Dress - allow professionals to dress business casual

DCF Tuition Reimbursement for non-Social Work courses.

Increase State of NJ workforce talent pool in critical areas


Smart phone driver license and registration

Electronic Record Keeping

Retirement Incentive

Unpaid Days Off

Revamping Hiring Process

Targeted NJ State Jobs for Individuals with Disabilities

Turn the lights lower and save $$$$ and eyes! End migraines

Approval For Attendance At Events should be paperless.

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