Four Day Work Week for Non-Essential Employees

Four Day Work Week for Non-Essential Employees

What problem does it solve? State employees as a whole tend to feel dissatisfied with their jobs. As the private sector has evolved into more employee-friendly work spaces with the innovations in technology and management approaches, the State employment model has become one of antiquity. Certain factors unrelated to this idea also have an impact on stress and workplace dissatisfaction, but my idea will go a long way towards altering the perception of a state employee. What is your solution and who does it apply to? My solution is to implement a four day work week for non-essential employees. Employees will be given a Mon-Thur schedule or Tues-Fri schedule based upon the task needs of the individual agency for which they are employed. Under this model, the agency would be open for business five days a week, with approximately half of the staff working on Monday and half on Friday. The benefits of implementation of a four day work week are many. Employees tend to be happier because they report being able to better manage their affairs. A happier and less stressed employee leads to better production while at work. Four 10-hour work days, as opposed to the traditional five 8-hour work days has been shown to have a positive effect on focus and productivity. Greater work/life balance is an essential trend in the modern workplace and the state has fallen behind this trend. What is the anticipated impact? The impacts would be numerous. Employees would likely show better productivity, more efficient use of time, less stress, closer work relationships, and overall increases in happiness and decreases in work related depression. The State would benefit in the following ways as well. Overhead costs would drop as office maintenance and energy needs would drop by half two days a week. A critical reduction in each employee's carbon footprint due to a four day commute instead of a five day commute would result in great benefits to the environment. The State can save a lot of money be being able to reduce the amount of paid sick and vacation days for each employee. Many sick days are the result of necessary doctors appointments that can now be scheduled on a week day without having to burn a sick day. A week vacation will cost only 4 days instead of 5. The State can diminish the amount of paid days off to each employee and thus have to pay back fewer days upon retirement.


Stuart, this proposal would most likely be at the discretion of the agency's director. I also made sure to note that it would apply to non-essential employees. For example, employees of the racing commission have to work weekends in order to officiate and license the races taking place over the weekend. But support staff that works M-F, 8-4, 8:30-4:30 or 9-5 can be separated into two work forces, one working M-Th 8-6 and another working T-Fr 8-6. Weekend operations would not be affected.


I like the idea but some state departments regulate industries that operate on a seven day per week , eight hour per day schedule. The state work week should try to mirror the businesses work week that they are regulating.

I believe a 5 day schedule with the ability to work from home would be much more effective. Only if that isn't an option should this be an option.

I am in agreement with a shortened work week, however Childcare would definitely be an issue for 10 hour work days. As an alternative, the state should bring back the alternative work week program, where employees have the option (strong emphasis on option) to take a day off every two weeks by working longer hours on the remaining work days.

would help in creating effective work environment

Managers looking to create a flexible work culture should avoid a one-size-fits-all approach; dictating exactly how these policies may be used can make them less effective. Talk with your team about your expectations, so there are no surprises later on. For example, if you set a policy that employees may arrive late or leave early when they need to, do you want them to give you advance notice? Of course, trust is going to be a big factor. you should trust them to get the work done.

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